There are times when you have to make unexpected travel plans for business or pleasure. Making plans to get away under any circumstance can be hectic and expensive. When you don’t have the lead time to get the most economical rates for flights, hotels and cars, it can really eat into your budget. But to compete in the business world, you have to go where the opportunities lead you. If they are leading you out of town or out of the country to Thailand this month, there is a way to save on your travel expenses, and that’s by using the money saving power of Groupon to rent a car from Hertz. They offer a large fleet of automobiles, trucks and luxury cars to fit every circumstance and budget, and they offer so many perks, it really makes good business sense to call them first. Actually, the first thing you should do is search Groupon, and grab one of their many promo codes that will save you money on your rental.
You know a company really wants your business when they offer significant discounts and perks. When they provide great customer service and meet your standards and expectations you feel like they deserve your business and are more likely to do business with them time and again. Not only that, but you’re more likely to recommend them when a family member or friend needs their type of service. That’s one of the reasons Hertz has moved to the top of the car rental industry, and stayed there for decades. Not only have they consistently provided a positive car rental experience for millions of drivers around the world, they have maintained a top-notch fleet, and modernized their global operations. And, to make renting a car even easier and affordable, they now have a deal with Groupon that will save you even more on their already budget friendly rates. Groupon offers discounts like 25% off when you pay upfront, $50 off select bookings, and even more when you apply one of several codes at checkout for long-term rentals.
Every business must take risks in order to grow. In a world where business relationships are so tenuous, where contacts and contracts rise and fall on a timely handshake, if you can make connections with prospects in Thailand, it’s best to use every opportunity to your advantage. One of the best is to book a reliable mode of transportation and the most reliable is Hertz.